【本報訊】澳洲悉尼一間動物園飼養了多隻筆尾蒙(Meerkat),日前一對夫婦遊客到訪期間,發現兩隻筆尾蒙竟蒙然把另一隻同伴當作咕o臣,齊齊將牠壓在地上曬太陽,丈夫於是用相機將這個有趣情景拍攝下來兩隻欺負一隻七十三歲的薩默斯表示,被同伴當作咕o臣的筆尾蒙最初是肚腩朝地依着石牆躺着,另一隻筆尾蒙則坐在牠的臀部,突然間後者身子向後靠在石牆,將對方壓在地上,第三隻筆尾蒙見狀隨即加入,將被壓在地上那隻同伴當咕o臣用,一起曬太陽,牠企圖掙扎可惜無用。薩默斯表示:「那一隻被壓的倒楣筆尾蒙掙扎了一會,便把身子反轉,但之後便好像接受了自己的命運一樣。」薩默斯又指,自一九八○年開始,已不時觀察這些動物,但從沒見過牠們這種行為,薩默斯稱:「很難去拍照,因為我笑得太緊要了。」http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/03/29/article-1261939-08EA6B4C000005DC-593_634x469.jpg I know I lost the 'comfy cushion' bet, but can I please get up now?: Meerkats use their mate as a backres tNeed a comfy cushion to sit on to enjoy the afternoon sun? Simples!This cheeky pair spotted a fellow meerkat dozing - and thought it was the perfect chance to secure themselves a comfortable backrest.The unfortunate animal was lying down on its front when the opportunistic pair pinned him down against a wall.Meer-ly a backrest: Tourists at Taronga Zoo, in Sydney, Australia, watched in amusement when two meerkats used a fellow meerkat as a cushionThe pinned down meerkat turned over and struggled for a while but then accepted its fate as it tired.Then, using their friend as a cushion, the victorious mammals kicked back themselves and soaked up some rays.The remarkable image was captured by 73-year-old photographer Charlie Summers at Taronga Zoo, in Sydney, Australia.He said: 'The one who was pinned down was originally lying on its belly and one of the other ones was sitting next to it but on its haunches.'Then all of a sudden the meerkat leaned back, pinning the prone one to the ground.'As the prone animal struggled to get out of this predicament, another spied the situation and came over.'It sat right next to the seated meerkat and joined in with the pin.' Father-of-one Charlie, who watched with his wife Rita, said the meerkat on the bottom of the pile struggled at first before giving up.He added: 'The unfortunate meerkat on the bottom struggled a bit and turned over but then seemed to accept its fate.'It did struggle a bit but not to the point where it appeared it had made up its mind to escape.'I certainly don't think the prone meerkat "volunteered" for the job.'I have observed these animals on and off since 1980 and I have never seen behaviour this before - it was hard to take the picture because I was laughing so much.'Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1261939/I-know-I-lost-comfy-cushion-bet-I--Meerkats-use-mate-backrest.html#ixzz0jqHTZbrg

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來自: 葵青區
I know I lost the 'comfy cushion' bet, but can I please get up now?: Meerkats use their mate as a backrest
Need a comfy cushion to sit on to enjoy the afternoon sun? Simples!
This cheeky pair spotted a fellow meerkat dozing - and thought it was the perfect chance to secure themselves a comfortable backrest.
The unfortunate animal was lying down on its front when the opportunistic pair pinned him down against a wall.
Meer-ly a backrest: Tourists at Taronga Zoo, in Sydney, Australia, watched in amusement when two meerkats used a fellow meerkat as a cushion
The pinned down meerkat turned over and struggled for a while but then accepted its fate as it tired.
Then, using their friend as a cushion, the victorious mammals kicked back themselves and soaked up some rays.
The remarkable image was captured by 73-year-old photographer Charlie Summers at Taronga Zoo, in Sydney, Australia.
He said: 'The one who was pinned down was originally lying on its belly and one of the other ones was sitting next to it but on its haunches.
'Then all of a sudden the meerkat leaned back, pinning the prone one to the ground.
'As the prone animal struggled to get out of this predicament, another spied the situation and came over.
'It sat right next to the seated meerkat and joined in with the pin.'
Father-of-one Charlie, who watched with his wife Rita, said the meerkat on the bottom of the pile struggled at first before giving up.
He added: 'The unfortunate meerkat on the bottom struggled a bit and turned over but then seemed to accept its fate.
'It did struggle a bit but not to the point where it appeared it had made up its mind to escape.
'I certainly don't think the prone meerkat "volunteered" for the job.
'I have observed these animals on and off since 1980 and I have never seen behaviour this before - it was hard to take the picture because I was laughing so much.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1261939/I-know-I-lost-comfy-cushion-bet-I--Meerkats-use-mate-backrest.html#ixzz0jqHTZbrg
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